Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Letter Challenge: The Book

         Greetings, Letter Enthusiasts! Blogger is being a bit finicky tonight and will not let me upload the newest video challenge. However, here is the link : The Book

Do you enjoy a good read? Chances are, you have a friend that does, too. 
This month, send them a book-letter. Click on the link above to see how. 
Till next time, Happy Writing!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Letters for Mom

This week, send some love your Mom's way with a letter. Happy Mother's Day from TGLR!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Introducing Tiglar!

Did you know that TGLR has an official mascot? Meet Tiglar, the snail mail snail! Created one night in December of 2012, made his official debut in a TGLR ad a few months back, and officially named by one young letter enthusiast, K.K., from New Hampshire. Here is an awesome drawing of Tiglar that K.K. sent to TGLR headquarters. Thanks, K.K.!

Do you have any TGLR fan art? If so, send it our way and it will be featured on our page.

Happy Writing!