Saturday, December 22, 2012

Construction, Doubt and Forging Ahead

Been busy today! I've begun my haphazard construction of the beast that will be TGLR and demolished several pages of my notebook with ideas for the project. Also, trying to maintain the hope that people might still be interested in something as "archaic" as letter writing. Doubts aside, I am going to forge on with this idea and see it through, because I see it's potential in the smile inducing department. And the world needs more of that. :)
So, among my accomplishments today:
1. TGLR has an email:    Feel free to blast the heck out of it with your thoughts, comments and ideas.
2. TGLR has a twitter account as of today. Yes, it is ugly and under-designed with stock images taken from Google--haha. But, it will have to do for now. Follow @TGL_Revival  for updates and such.
3. Purchased a wee P.O. Box for TGLR and will be picking up the keys for it on Monday. w00t! (((exciting)))
4. Made a video update for you all to gaze upon here:

Oh! And most importantly! If I have enticed you at all and you are interested in being a part of this movement, please email your addresses to
Your address will only be used for TGLR mailings, updates and info. *pinky swear*

That's all for today. In the meantime, start sharpening those pencils, readying those pens and dusting off your stationary sets. The Revival is coming--get ready!

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